Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sometimes it takes the starkness of your overloaded life to make you realize what is important (I will warn you in advance, this entry is poised to be sappy).

When I woke up this morning I had a frown on my face, and could quite honestly not remember the last time I was truly content / happy. I say this because true happiness as I'm sure most of us can recognize is very unique and unlike the momentary blips of happiness which hopefully frequent our days.

Point being.. I hopped on my 12:35 flight to Washington Reagan and something happened. I was catapulted into the surreal world high above the Earth where things tend to come into perspective. My difficult decisions about my future don't need to stress me out today, my current lack of a love life isn't really that big of a deal, things could be worse (I have food on my table and a warm place to sleep). But most of all.. I have my family.

I arrived into the mayhem of an airport the day before Thanksgiving and scrambled my way up to the safe haven of the Metro platform. Minutes later Dad arrived, talking on his blackberry of course, but it was my Dad and I was so happy to see him. He put the blackberry down and we caught the next blue line to Franconia / Springfield, talking about recent happenings, and of course the Redskins, N.C. State Football and the Wizards. It was like being in heaven.

A microwaved lunch of leftovers later we were talking about my new job as a writer for Technician (No, 'Technician' does not have a preceding article).

Soon, my Grandparents came in from there lunch out and the parade began.. politics, life, the market, my relationships, Charlie Crist, the Nebraska National Guard.. Bliss...

Then Mom and Ryan came home.. COCKTAIL HOUR..

More like cocktail 'three' hour today, but whose counting.

I was just happy to be with most of the people I loved. For me, in these seemingly insignificant events, I was once again reacquainted with an old friend.. happiness..

I found a great truth in all of it.. And while cliche it holds true.. Nothing in this world can buy happiness, it is found in being with the ones you love.

For tonight I am tired though, and seeing as that I have an all American day of cooking, parade watching and football tomorrow, I should probably hit the hay.

If you're reading this little piece of cyberspace I call a blog today, I hope you have a marvelous Thanksgiving and that it feels you with as much goodwill as it is currently filling me with.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a goodnight..

P.S. M, you are not forgotten today, I wish you were here.

1 comment:

Lena said...

:) There was a lot missing yesterday...thanks for that.