Wednesday, November 5, 2008


"....that people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Martin Luther King Jr. spoke powerful words during the civil rights movement. Words that we can all learn from and live by.

Today his dream came to fruition; and as much as I oppose Mr. Obama's policies, I can respect the watershed moment in history that today is. As a people, we have spoken and quite literally said that this election will not be judged by the color of a man's skin but by his merits. This was not an election of race but rather an election of issues. When all is said and done, the total number of votes cast will be much closer than the electoral college would suggest; clearly speaking to the great divide on issues and the path forward that the nation believes we should take. That being said, I do have HOPE. Hope that Mr. Obama can unite this nation under the banner of freedom and give us a responsible path forward.

I will have pride in my president, apart from race or creed, because he is the president of my nation. And though I will disagree with him often, I will support him.

If you are a fiscal conservative like I am, today is not the greatest day. But get over yourself and act like an American. I'm not saying you should celebrate (I know I'm not), but we can at least applaud Mr. Obama's achievment. And also take solace in the fact that the Republicans actually held their own in the Senate races, 44 to 56 isn't that bad..

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