Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mr. President

The Bradley Effect? Nope.
Will black voters and young people really get out and vote? Yes.
Can Obama carry any southern states? Yes: FL, NC, VA (The Capital of the South).

Am I happy to see that racism in this country is no longer a prominent issue? Yes.
But at the same time am I happy with the result of this election? Certainly not.

I think Barack Obama is a very charismatic figure and his ability to invigorate the voter base is truly remarkable, yet I am also quite certain that he is the wrong choice for president of the United States. In these uncertain times, I don't think I would be comfortable with any candidate who only had four years of national experience (let it be known I didn't like the choice of gov. Palin). A uniting figure he may be, but is this man truly the one to fix our economic crisis, the horrors of medicare and the social security system, and the oversight of our wars abroad. Let me be the first to say that I hope he can. Prove me wrong Barack, be the hope America needs. But also know that I am putting you under the microscope with the massive control over Congress you've been given. When you falter, I will be there to point out your errors. Not because I dislike you personally, but because I dislike the sort of change you stand for.

Prove me wrong. And I truly pray that God Bless America.

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