Sunday, January 4, 2009

Katrina vanden Heuvel, I cannot stand you

As I sit here watching the year in review on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos', I cannot help but think of how lost my country is.

Are you serious? A 1 Trillion dollar stimulus this February.

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, makes it sound like 1 Trillion dollars is nothing. Trying to lead us to believe that we need to just give away all that money, saying that it would be a crime not to.

Meanwhile, George Will and I are sitting here with out jaws down around our mid section as we try and comprehend this foolhardy thought process.

Please, someone, anyone. Explain to me how spending roughly 7 percent of our country's GDP is going to help grow anything but the national debt.

And oh yea, BTW, in case you haven't been paying attention. The people who are spending this money in a ridiculous attempt to save their hides won't be the ones paying it off.

My classmates, my brother, my cousins, myself -- we are the ones who will be paying for this. For years to come, we will be suffering these 'stimulus packages', as our floundering economy falls farther and farther behind.

And to the Republican's of the current Congress.

Why are you not kicking and screaming? This is everything your party is about. The principle tenet of conservative thought is to spend less money and reduce the size of the federal government. Putting trillions of dollars in the hands of a handful of rich Congressman does not sound like the way to reduce spending.

Tax less.. Let the people spend their money and stimulate the economy. Sound familiar, its fiscally Conservative thought. For Christ's sake, if you want people to spend more money and stimulate our economy don't give tons more money to corporate giants. Try cutting payroll taxes in half -- something which will actually put money right back in the people's pockets.

I really do cry for my future, because it is in the hands of people who seem to have no ideas but to throw money at the problem.

God help us.. gah..

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