Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Urge

It is 3:23 AM and I have just put The Bravery on. This means one of two things. I either have zero plans on sleeping tonight, or I am really tired and am trying to pump some rock through my waning body in order to stay awake a few more minutes.

The main catalyst tonight, seems to be the desire to upload photos onto Facebook. While on the exterior, this would seem to be fairly harmless. In reality, it is incredibly draining on my time. I have a lot of packing and prepping to do tomorrow morning before I leave for the beach; tagging and commenting on photos is probably not the proper way to prepare myself for that.. hmmm...

At the same time I feel a real 'urge' to post some photographs. Maybe it was the personal realization that I haven't posted a Facebook album in a very long time.

Which of course is very discouraging, me being the social butterfly that I am... or not..

[Tag break]..

I'm back, thank the Lord.. tagging is exhausting..

But I felt like I had some pretty good pictures.. So I would have felt bad not too..

Music Now: Broken Social Scene

Random thoughts:
- I adore the Russian, she is the cutest thing ever
- Who came up with the idea of art auctions? And why is it always pompous pricks who attend them? (Not meant to offend those who go to art auctions)
- How is McDonald's everywhere? I mean everywhere..
- The more I understand about the way globalization works, the more I wish I could be oblivious
- French people wear very tight small bathing suits
- Nude beaches = not fun, I almost lost my rum.. but on the other hand, the rum made it bearable
- How is it that so many things become old, yet old simple pleasures like the smell of vanilla or cinnamon are always refreshing and invigorating
- Just where is Carmon San Diego?
- How is it that the TTA and CAT use such old shitty buses, yet the Wolfline buses are new?
- Why does Facebook take so long to upload my photos?
- I know the answer to the last one, but it feels good to complain..
- A child's curiosity is so enviable
- Christmas should last all year.. well at least the spirit maybe
- Celtic or Rangers?
- Celtic of course..
- Why do all my beds seem to have 4 pillows when all I really want is 1 good one?

But for tonight I am exhausted, and as the music changes to The Swell Season, I need to finish commenting on these photos and head to bed..

Perhaps a more coherent post shall be in store tomorrow night..


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