Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First.. Comes First

In my recent readings, many supposed 'experts' in the field of economics are claiming that increasing economic collaboration and interconnection are one of the primary culprits dragging down the world economy.

If globalization is the culprit... then look around you, and see some of the strange ways that we are all.. connected.

You may ask where in the hell am I getting this? It is a pertinent topic, but a fairly random one.

It was a discovery on globalization I made today, that quite honestly shocked me. And this all begins with a couple bus rides in Glasgow Scotland. For those of you that have been to Glasgow, (which as far as I know is just Madeleine and I) may know that the 747 bus line goes from Glasgow International Airport to Buchanan Station via Central Station (my destination the day I rode). This particular bus route is owned and operated by First Group; a Scottish owned transport line headquartered in Aberdeen.

Quick Facts:
-First Group is the largest bus operator in the United Kingdom, running one of every five local routes
- First Glasgow is the largest bus operator in Glasgow, running over 118 services with over a thousand buses and 2800 operators

OK you might say, cool you rode a bus in Scotland, and First Group is a pretty big deal. What you may not know is that if you are an NC State student, really an American in general, you probably have ridden a First Group Bus as well. First Group's American arm, First Group Transit (yes, the same First Group from Scotland), owns the operation contract for the NC State Wolfline. They also operate another 235 American Bus lines including tons of this nation's University bus systems. Lest I forget, they also own GREY HOUND!

Another of personal interest is Alexandria's DASH buses, who knew.

And I think that last statement is the point. We don't even realize this increasing interconnectedness exists. Except for one of the Wolfline operators wearing a 'First Transit' visor, I would have never researched and found that a Scottish company owns the contract to the buses I ride on every day, nor would I have known that the Alexandria DASH buses are owned by the same company. In fact, I would be willing to make a bet that the operators of the Wolfline are unaware that their pay checks are really coming from Scotland.

In this world of globalization, even the most obscure things (BUSES.. seriously) can be conected.

Another random incident from teh life of Russell Witham. Today while I was walkintg through the brickyard (amongst all the other random things in the brickyard recently), a girl approached me to ask me if I had voted yet. Upon informing her that I had not, she reminded me that in NC I can vote early and asked me if I would like any information about Barack Obama.

I know what you are thinking, why is this strange, its two weeks to the elections adn volunteers are everywhere.. and in numbers.

The reason why this was odd is the girl in question had a very strong British accent, I want to say it sounded like a Yorkshire accent, but I won't be held to that. With that assumption that this girl was a foreign national (I realized this when I was at dinner about 15 minute later), she would not have American voter priviliges. Then how strange it is that she would be volunteering for a candidate in an American election. It would be like an American volunterring for the Conservatives or Labour in a British election, it just doesn't make sense. I wish I had gotten the chance to go back and ask this girl why she was volunteering (I would have, but she was gone when I passed the spot again). Is the American presidancy really such a beacon of power in the world that this girl felt inspired to get Barack Obama into the White House? This would be remarkable to me, but maybe.. it is just another sign of the times.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I'm not going to lie...it's pretty cool that almost every bus I've ever ridden is a First bus....
And the election business...let's not forget I voted in the last Scottish Election!
Good stuff kid! :)